The Only IALVS Practice in British Columbia

Low Vision

Welcome to Valley Vision Optometry, where Dr. Golemba specializes in low vision  care for individuals challenges. With a focus on the renowned Richard Shuldiner, OD/William Feinbloom, OD Philosophy & Methods, Dr. Golemba is committed to assisting patients in reclaiming their quality of life. As an esteemed member of the International Academy of Low Vision Specialists, Dr. Golemba brings both expertise and compassion to his practice, helping individuals across Canada overcome visual obstacles and engage in the activities they love.

Enhancing Visual Abilities

Enhancing your eyes requires a multifaceted approach, incorporating tailored aids, environmental modifications, and expert support to optimize existing vision and adjust to visual impediments effectively.

low vision


Low vision encompasses substantial visual impairment that remains uncorrected by glasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgical interventions. Individuals experiencing low vision often encounter challenges in routine tasks such as reading, cooking, or facial recognition.

Symptoms can Include:

  • Visual Blurriness or haziness 
  • Difficulty recognizing faces or objects 
  • Trouble reading or seeing details 
  • Reduced Visual peripheral 
  • Sensitivity to light 
  • Seeing spots or floaters 
More than 2.9 million Americans age 40 and older have low vision. (Defined as best-corrected visual acuity worse than 20/40; this number excludes those who are legally blind.) -American Academy of Ophthalmology 
Call Us

If you’re experiencing difficulties reading a book, enjoying scenic views, or even watching television, it’s possible that your vision has been affected. Dr. Golemba addresses these challenges, offering personalized solutions to enhance your visual experience and quality of life.

To determine if Dr. Golemba can help you with your eyecare health, schedule a complimentary consultation with him to discuss your needs and concerns.

We’re Dedicated

Recognizing the profound effects of your visual limitations to your everyday life, we strive to equip you with the tools to surmount these obstacles and rekindle your enjoyment of life’s activities. Be it delving into a good book, admiring picturesque landscapes, or indulging in beloved television programs, Dr. Golemba is steadfast in delivering personalized eye care to facilitate your visual enhancement journey.

Our tailored plans comprise:

  • Make adjustments based on changes in your vision over time, ensuring ongoing effectiveness.
  • Targeted efforts in critical areas, such as mobility training and assistive devices.
  • Addressing functional aspects and minimizing the impact of your sight on social, professional, and recreational activities.
  • Proactive management to maintain optimal eye health and prevent potential complications.
  • Provide knowledge for active participation in your visual rehabilitation journey.

You Are Only Three Steps Away From Optimal Vision

Schedule a Consultation
Come in for your Low Vision Assessment
Maintain Eye care
Receive Your Visual Plan
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